“Adventures with Jesus: Embracing the Wild, Holy, and Unfiltered Life of a Kingdom Mom”

Welcome, Moms and Fellow Warriors!

Hey friends! I’m so glad you’re here, and I pray this site becomes a sanctuary for you—a place to be rejuvenated, refreshed, and inspired. 

My name is Sylvia, and my life is HEAVILY intertwined with the power of Jesus. I’ve walked both without and with Him, and let me tell you—my life is nothing short of miraculous. It’s amazing to witness how he was hovering my life before I even took a step near him.

About Me: A Journey of Faith and Miracles

My story begins with a tragedy turned triumph. My mom was in a drinking and driving car accident and was pronounced dead…on paper. But Heaven had other plans. Through the power of prayer, she was raised from the dead, and just a few months later, she conceived me.

Growing up, she always told me I was alive for a mighty reason, that I would change the world. And now, I see the truth in her words. Through Christ in me, I know that my testimonies can transform lives. After all, the word “testimony” means “do it again,” and every redemptive story is possible only through the blood of Jesus Christ.

Why This Blog Exists: Vulnerability and Victory

To be completely honest, writing this blog scares me at times. Vulnerability is not easy, especially in a world that can be so harsh. I’ve been hurt before through these silly words on a screen—by friends, family, and even strangers. But now, I stand firm in my identity in Christ, armed with His truth, and nothing can take that away from me (unless I choose to believe lies)

So buckle up, friends—I’m holding nothing back. This blog is my heart poured out and will be full of:

– Testimonies of Financial Miracles: God’s provision in times of need.

– Healing After Trauma: How I’ve overcome stabs of betrayal and emotional wounds.

– Holistic Health for Christian Moms: Natural remedies and God-given wisdom for wellness.

– Homeschooling Tips: Balancing education, faith, and a busy household.

– Healthy Recipes for Large Families: Nutritious and delicious meals that fuel your family’s mission.

– Wild Evangelism Adventures: Sharing the gospel in the most unexpected places.

– Weight Loss and Self-Care: Maintaining health as a busy mom.

– Marital Survival After Addiction and Narcissism: Rebuilding trust and intimacy through God’s grace.

– Making Money as a Stay-at-Home Mom: Empowering you to create financial freedom while nurturing your family.

This blog is for you if you’re a Christian mom, a homeschool mom, a mom who’s been through trauma, a mom with a lot of kids, a new mom, or a mom preparing for childbirth. My heart is to encourage you, to walk alongside you, and to remind you that you are not alone in this journey.

Oh yeah and I definitely will talk about Why Pain-Free Birth and Breastfeeding are Possible

One thing that’s close to my heart is empowering women to experience pain-free births and successful breastfeeding. I believe that with the right mindset, faith, and preparation, you can have a birth experience that is not only bearable but beautiful. Breastfeeding doesn’t have to be a struggle either—it can be a bonding experience filled with peace.