Adverse Cough Stab Reactions (trying not to be censored)

Our jaw dropping story of overcoming adverse reactions. Your detox testimony.

Overcoming Vaccine Injury: A Journey of Faith, Healing, and Holistic Health

Before anything get’s wild this is not medical advice…

Hey everyone! I just wanted to share this incredible story with you and update you on how my boys are doing now. This is a testimony of faith, healing, and the power of holistic health, rooted deeply in seeking the guidance of the Holy Spirit.

Let’s start from the beginning..

The Day Everything Changed: Our ICU Nightmare….

(written years ago)
About six months ago, our family faced a terrifying ordeal that would change our lives forever. My first born son, who had been born healthy and strong, was suddenly fighting for his life in the ICU. For eight long days, he battled for every breath. As a first time mother, there’s nothing more heart-wrenching than seeing your child suffer, and at that moment, I was more pro-stab than anyone you could meet. I used to administer them.

In fact, I had made a social media post declaring that no one could hold my baby unless they were fully jabbed. I believed I was doing the right thing, protecting my son. But as I sat by his hospital bed, watching him struggle, I couldn’t shake the feeling that something had gone terribly wrong. 

A New Perspective: Questioning Everything

The doctors were doing everything they could, and I was grateful for modern medicine. But as I prayed and cried out to God for my son’s life, I felt a deep conviction that I needed to look beyond what I had always believed. I began to question everything, especially my unwavering trust in vaccinations.

During those agonizing days in the ICU, I had a powerful encounter with the Holy Spirit. He gently opened my eyes to see that my faith was not in Him but in man-made solutions. The realization was overwhelming. I knew I had to seek God first in all things, especially in matters of health.

The Turning Point: A Prophetic Word

When my son was finally discharged from the hospital, I knew our journey was just beginning. He came home, but his health was fragile, and I was terrified of every little cough and fever. I had always been a firm believer in the power of prayer, but now, I clung to it like never before, I read the gospels for the first time in my life.

One day, during a women’s group I’m part of, I received a prophetic word: “ALIVE.” At first, I didn’t fully understand its significance. But as I meditated on it, I realized that it was about more than just physical life—it was about living fully in the Spirit, in freedom from fear and bondage.

A mentor in the group challenged me further, suggesting that the severe allergies both of my boys were experiencing were connected to a fear of death. Initially, I resisted the idea. I wasn’t afraid of dying anymore—at least, I didn’t think I was. But as she prayed with me, it became clear that my deepest fear wasn’t my own death but the potential loss of those I loved, especially my children.

Confronting Fear: The Healing Journey Begins

This fear had roots in my past—being abandoned by my father, losing my grandmother, and feeling isolated and unprotected as a child. These experiences had planted seeds of fear that had grown deep, affecting how I approached motherhood and health. I thought my roll in life was to keep those I love safe. My grandma died my one night away from her and as a little girl I thought that was my fault. I carried this into childhood with me. After that prayer session, I felt a shift. I decided to confront this fear head-on. I retreated to my “battleground”—the bathtub, where I often soak and pray. There, in the quiet, I asked God to take me back to those painful memories and show me His presence through them. He did, revealing how He had always been there, protecting me, even when I didn’t realize it.

As I prayed, God began to speak to me, telling me that my boys were healed. He reminded me that fear is just blood in shark-infested waters—it attracts the enemy. I realized that my attempts to control their health were rooted in fear, not faith. 

Walking in Faith: The Miracle Unfolds

The next day, I shared with my husband what God had told me, and we both felt a peace we hadn’t known before. We decided to walk in faith and trust in the healing that had been promised.

At church that Sunday, there was a potluck. Normally, we would have avoided it because of the boys’ severe food allergies—one had anaphylactic reactions, and the other had FPIES (Food Protein-Induced Enterocolitis Syndrome). But we decided to trust God. As we stood in line for food, I asked God what to do, and He simply said, “Let them feast.”

We had no epipens, no backup plan—just faith in God’s promise. And so, they ate. They ate everything. And nothing happened. No reactions, no symptoms—just healthy, happy boys enjoying food for the first time in their lives without fear. They have been healed for the past 8 years.

That day marked the beginning of their complete healing. For 8 years now, they have been free from allergies, eczema, hives, and FPIES. They can eat anything, and they are thriving.

The Deeper Healing: Freedom from Fear

But the real miracle wasn’t just their physical healing—it was the freedom that God brought into our lives. He delivered me from the spirit of fear that had gripped me for so long. He taught me that true healing begins in the spirit and that we must seek Him first in all things.

Whether it’s holistic health, modern medicine, or any other decision, we must first go to the Holy Spirit for guidance. If we feel like we don’t hear anything, we go to Scripture, and we make our decisions in faith, covering them with the blood of Jesus. And anything God say’s to you will always align with the blood of Jesus.  

It’s not about rejecting medicine or alternative treatments—it’s about putting God first and allowing Him to lead us in the way that is best for our families.

Call to Action: Stewarding Our Health Post-Healing

I know that not everyone’s journey will look like ours, but I believe that God wants to bring healing and freedom to every family. If you’ve been touched by our story, I encourage you to seek God first in your health decisions and to trust Him with the outcome.

If you’re interested in learning more about how we now steward our health post-healing, check out my next blog post where I dive into the practical steps we take to maintain our family’s health, both spiritually and physically. 

Remember, our Heavenly Father is the ultimate healer, and the Holy Spirit is the best guide we could ever have. Lean on them, trust in their love for you, and walk in the freedom that Jesus paid for with His blood.